In the Footsteps of WC Fields

Kids are ferocious bastards...
U.S. - July 6, 2024 (Updated July 13, 2024)
Kids are ferocious bastards.
This kid was poking my belly.
Saying your fat.
No kidding
You little bum.
Dog bites man.
He’s like what’s that mean?
I’m like
Read a paper you dingbat!
I was like
You wanna play basketball?
I will murder you
I would not murder a child, btw
Totally against my moral ethical code
No matter how much I hate him
I would not throw him off the Ambassador Bridge.
I’m just saying
I would kill him one on one.
Not a great choice of words.
This kid tells me:
You’re dumb.
I said no I’m not!
My ego done got bruised.
He said:
Want to take a math challenge?
I very cautiously and carefully agreed.
I calculated in my brain quickly
Can I beat a nine year at math?
I recalculated
How about an arm wrestling challenge?
That sounds better young fellow.
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