I ever tell you about that time I was with Lewis

And we were fishing

On Lake Erie?

Gee it was hot!

"Phooey! On this heat," I says to Lewis!

I wiped my brow with a rag

Lewis had a blue bandana tied on his bald head

I said: "I hope no one on the lake

Mistakes you for a member of The Cripps Gang."

Lewis stared at me silently.

I think he was tired of my so-called friendship.

And my so-called humor.

We continued fishing.

I had some sandwiches

So we had them.

Lewis got a bite

It turned into a real bite

Then a struggle,

A battle with a fish!

He dipped into Lake Erie to pull up this monstrous creature


Wouldn’t you know it?

He fell in.

Down into the green depths sunk he!

I panicked a little bit

I admit.

But I gathered myself,

I finished my liverwurst sandwich

Checked the time,

It was 1:12 pm,

And dove into Lake Erie,

To retrieve Lewis!

Erie is a shallow lake

And I am a grand swimmer with terrific breath control

So I was able to scour the sandy bottom of Erie

To retrieve Lewis

Who was a poor swimmer with lung capacity of an infant.

I found a body in the weeds

And pulled him up to the boat

Pushed him into the boat.

I immediately began mouth to mouth.

I thought

Jesus, Lewis how much coffee have you had today?

I looked at his corpse like body,

I pushed Lewis’ body.


I don’t remember you wearing a snowmobile suit

When you went over board.