In the Footsteps of WC Fields

I was beating this kid at arm wrestling...
U.S. - July 13, 2024 (Updated November 3, 2024)
I was beating this kid at arm wrestling.
I was teasing him, he was giving it his all
And shoot
It got a little close!
Then I powered down
And really gave this nine-year old boy the what for:
"Grow up you simpleton
Learn the lesson of being overpowered."
So I overpowered him.
I screamed into his face;
Perhaps not a normal or grown-up thing to do
When beating a nine year old at arm wrestling.
I did scream the b- word multiple times
He made a comeback
And began turning the tide
Good lord
I had to pull a Cunard
To leave this kid in the dust,
I felt like I was
Mad Max in the desert
A victory with no merit.
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