In the Footsteps of WC Fields

If I could write all day...
U.S. - July 13, 2024
If I could write all day
Why, I’d write a book!
Telling the whole world about Neal Van Reesch!
The world is a fine place
As long as you are on drugs, or swimming in the sea, you see.
I’d write jokes and poems and remembrances of things past,
Heck, I’d write about pests and the pest house
Cockroaches, skunks, bats, and that one mouse that just got away.
A man may say anything,
And certainly it is heartfelt truth
But a man may say anything
When threatened
With the integrity of his tooth.
So, friends may I invite you
To my humble room where I can play backgammon and bet on the livened
Goings on of the dying salmon
Swimming upstream in a death
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