In the Footsteps of WC Fields

You know? I was thinking about my life...
U.S. - June 27, 2024 (Updated July 22, 2024)
You know?
I was thinking about my life...
Heck, must of been
The day before?
Some guy was saying to me:
How you know so much stuff about so many things?
I shrugged.
God only knows.
And believe it or not,
I got no idea what that motherfucker knows about me.
It actually makes me a little nervous.
I know his jam.
He knows mine.
It’s all fine, right?
Nope. Turns out he’s pissed!
As long as I got something cooking
And a good book of
English ghost stories in tow?
I’m good to go.
Them who say don’t know
Them who know don’t say.
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