In the Footsteps of WC Fields

Last Haircut?
U.S. - August 29, 2024 (Updated November 3, 2024)
I sat down into a cozy chair and removed my glasses
She put a cape around me and we began.
"How you want your hair cut?"
I said as silently as possible.
I was in the foggy netherworld
Between comfort
And it’s opposite.
A lady was touching my head for gods sakes
So that’s right next to eating a chicken.
On the comfort scale.
I scooted off my chair
Into dreamland
As she snipped and touched!
Ain’t haircuts great!
She said,
"This might be the last haircut you may ever need."
That caught my attention.
"Are you predicting my death, Mam?
Last haircut en route to eternity?"
She asked,
"Want your eyebrows touched up?"
I was like:
You may be the Supercuts lady from
Hells hoary icy wastelands!
Then she touched my head again
And I calmed down.
A lady touching your head and snipping away
Is what a man needs to set him back on course.
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